“Alhamdulillah”… That is the first word worth saying after the last batches of PHE ONWJ PSIM training sessions had been delivered in December 2015. Thanks to Allah for giving us the way, the strength, endurance, and the perseverance to LebSolution in delivering this massive project for PHE ONWJ.
With a world class collaboration between LebSolution and PHE ONWJ team, we have completed delivery PSIM Roll-Out program comprised of 20 batches of PSIM training sessions from February to December 2014, attended by 518 PHE ONWJ employees from workforce level up to senior leadership level. Most of participants have given a very positive feedback about the training program where >94% are agree/strongly agree towards the positive indicators provided in the feedback form.
Congratulation for all people in PHE ONWJ organization for having such commitment and enthusiasm in managing process safety and integrity related risk in the massive operation involving more than 200 offshore platforms with +40 years age of operation. We can call it an “Enthusiast Company”, so it deserves an “Excellent Delivery”.
Thanks and appreciations from LebSolution team to PHE ONWJ team for the opportunity, the trust, the warm welcome, and the positive and fair treatment that we have received while delivering the project. After all, it has been a superb and excellent experience to be able to contribute to such a high profile program in a big and strategic company like PHE ONWJ. Looking forward to seeing another exciting opportunity in PHE ONWJ.
For LebSolution team, thanks and appreciate for the smart and hardwork, resulting in ‘Excellent Delivery for Enthusiast Company”.
By the way, before closing this “Note of Today”, while delivering this project, I am happy to meet one of my role model in my professional life, Pak MS Lubis (now one of managers in PHE ONWJ project team). I used to work with him in my previous company, PT. PENI (a BP Chemical Polyethylene Plant located in Cilegon, Banten, Indonesia).
Every time I see/meet him, I always remember his motivating words given to me before leaving for Abu Dhabi (where I worked for ADNOC Borouge company for 4 years).
This is what Pak Lubis said to me when I meet him for farewell, off course with his strong “North Sumatera” / Batak dialect: ”Lukman, segera setelah engkau sampai dan mulai bekerja di sana, pastikan kau bangkitkan citra positif tenaga kerja terlatih Indonesia di sana, tunjukkan pada dunia bahwa kita adalah bangsa yang MAMPU. Kau capai posisi tinggi di perusahaan itu dan kau tancapkan bendera Merah Putih di sana. Dan ingat, jika sudah sampai, bawa lebih banyak bangsa Indonesia untuk membuktikan bahka kita bisa dan mampu”.
The English version may sound like this: “”Lukman, once you arrive and work there, make sure you improve positive image about Indonesian skilled worker there, tell to the world that “WE CAN” do it. Walk up the ladder and plug-in Indonesia flag. And, remember, bring more Indonesian to show the world what we can deliver.”
Somehow I was selected by ADNOC Borouge management to be the only person from production site, and the most junior person, to be the member of “PEOPLE STRATEGY” special workforces (other participants are top management team). And Alhamdulillah, now number of Indonesian skilled worker living in ADNOC housing complex has increased up to 3 to 4 folds from the time I was there.
So, pak Lubis, Mission Accomplished yah… he he he.
All right all friend, that’’s the sharing for this bright morning. May Allah give us all the good things and power to share more benefit to others. And pray for the victims in air crash incident “Air Asia QZ8501”.
Be Positive, Be Motivated, and Be Moving On.
Lukmanul Hakim