Created on December 12, 2017

Following the successful delivery of 2 batches of Project Safety Review training program for PHE-WMO in November 2017 (as posted on 21-Nov-2017 below), LebSolution has delivered another 2 batches of Process Safety Management training program for PHE-WMO in December 2017.

This PSM topic is the second topics out of 4 topics to be delivered as part of PHE-WMO main agenda in 2017-2018 which is enhancing personnel competency in the area of Process Safety where LebSolution has been proudly selected as the partner to deliver its specialized services in this area. On behalf of LebSolution, I would like to thanks PHE-WMO Management and Workforce team for their trust to LebSolution.

Even though it is refresher training, but the sessions were “live” and “full of enthusiasm”, as can be seen from the pictures below. It was indeed “a real fresh refresher” training. Serious and smiling faces, high tension and relax debat among the participants, were created within the 2 days exciting learning experiences.

“Committing to Safety”, especially for the aspect of Process Safety, is not only a jargon in PHE-WMO. The company has started many years ago to start its long journey in establishing its process safety system, after which continuous improvement is a continual efforts conducted to enhance its process safety performance.

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See you in the next NOT for the next subjects.

Thanks and best regards,
Lukmanul Hakim

#processsafetymanagement; #projectsafetyreview
#prestartupsafetyreview; #riskmanagement
#processriskassessment; #pha; #hazop

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