Created on May 14, 2016

One might say “Do not judge a book by its cover, instead judge it by its content”. Also “Do not judge people by appearance, instead by attitude and quality”. For me, the statement is correct but should be put in the right context.

The statement is not intended to lead us to “don’t care” about our appearance. It does not mean that we should not do some efforts and/or invest some resources (money, time, people, etc) in improving our appearance, our looks.

We should improve our appearance, our looks, because that is the first thing that other people will look at us. Our appearance will create first impression of others towards us and we have to make sure the first impression is the best positive impression.

And then, it is for sure our obligation to ensure the highest quality possible in the inner side. The good positive impression must be maintained by a real high quality performance, otherwise the good appearance will just be useless.

With the above argument in mind, it is with proud and pleasure that we are formally launching new website of LebSolution… It is “OUR NEW PROFESSIONAL LOOK”. Here is the link to go to the website:


There you will get some information related with LebSolution and what benefit that it can offer to you and your business, including the story of successful projects. You may also download the company profile, consultant profile, and also associate consultant profile.

Additionally, all the LebSolution related “NOTE OF TODAY” are also incorporated into the website in the “NEWS” section.

The website is developed by collaboration between LebSolution and FrizFroz, a high quality Indonesian national front end web designer and developer based in Indonesia and Australia. If you need a committed professional in this area, I would recommend FrizFroz. You may contact its owner, Dave F. through this email address dave@frizfroz.com, or just by simply visit its website www.frizfroz.com.

Closing Statement for today NOTE OF TODAY:

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to convey my gratitude and appreciation for all LebSolution stakeholders (employees and their family, clients, associate consultants, vendors, etc) for all your supports and trusts given to LebSolution so that we can NOT ONLY make a good professional look in the website, BUT ALSO fill it with a high quality materials and delivery.

Thanks for your attention and kind cooperation.

Best Regards

Lukmanul Hakim

Company Website : www.lebsolution.com
Company Linked-In : http://www.linkedin.com/company/lebsolution-indonesia
Personal Linked-In : https://www.linkedin.com/in/lukmanul-hakim-b287bb47

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