Pre Start Up Safety Review (PSSR) for Proyek Strategis Nasional of Jambaran-Tiung Biru Field (JTB) by LebSolution and Gexcon Indonesia

Created on August 15, 2022

PSSR workshop and facilitation was performed prior of start-up of newly constructed or modified facilities due to the HIGH RISK of the activity. It was an essential step mandated by all Process Safety Management (PSM) standards/ best practices to ensure that all risks during start up activity and the following operation are identified and mitigated by ensuring:

1. What is installed is what is designed and having right specification,
2. Safe Operating Procedures are available, understood, and implemented,
3. Competent Personnel to operate and maintain the plant is adequately available,
4. Emergency Response plan are available and understood, and
5. All safety system are installed and function-tested.

Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) and Rekayasa Industri (Rekind) entrusted LebSolution and Gexcon Indonesia to facilitate and lead the PSSR workshop for Proyek Strategis Nasional : JTB Field Unitization. The PSSR review, which consisted of workshop and site verification, was performed in 8 days at JTB Field, Bojonegoro.

All PSSR workshop critical findings and recommendations has been successfully closed prior to the start-up (Gas-In) of the facility on 14 August 2022, three days short from the Independence Day of Indonesia (17 August).

LebSolution and Gexcon Indonesia are proud to participate in this major project and hoping for the best for the long lasting safe operation of JTB Field facilities. Thanks to PEPC and REKIND for the trust and opportunity given to LebSolution. It is indeed align with LebSolution Vision, “Visioning National Independence in Process Safety”.

Selamat Ulang Tahun dan Dirgahayu Indonesia ke 77 !

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