Created on May 29, 2014

Good morning all friends… It feels good when I can write something to share, as I hope there is something positive in it, and hopefully transferring some positive energies to some of you. Insya Allah.

Now, it’s about sharing the experience of delivering LebSolution “first public course”, and at the same time LebSolution “first overseas course”. It is the execution of “HAZOP Analysis Technique” course in Sheraton Towers, Singapore, on 15-16 May-2014, as communicated to you in the “Note of Today” dated 7-Apr-2014 with the title of “LebSolution Go International”.



It is an outcome of good team work with good communication, equipped with good planning and preparation, and proven by good execution and good delivery, from all of us involved: Akhmad Khaqim and Lukmanul Hakim as the facilitators, Hamam Sahroni as the technical support, and Muhammad Ramdhani from RamRowther Photoworks as the event documentations.

The course was successfully conducted by LebSolution in cooperation with Simply Safety Singapore. It was a world class partnership between the two companies where the ingredients are:

  • Quality,
  • Professional,
  • Trust, and
  • Integrity.


Thanks to Simply Safety Singapore to make it happened.

Attended by high profile participants from the industries (Vice President, Engineering Managers, Operations Managers, Senior Process Engineer, HSE Engineer, etc) from multinational companies operating in Asia Pacific region (BW Offshore, Emerson Process Management, Shell, Sulzer, etc) the course was very well accepted with most participant feedback “Very Good” and “Excellent”.

One of the senior participant (the VP) told us at the end of first day session: “I was called for an unplanned important meeting with my boss tomorrow morning… but I need to reject that request and reschedule it, because I don’t want to miss any session in this good training”. And at the end of the training sessions (end of Day-2), the same person approached us and offered us to come to his office talking about delivering in-house training for his sub-ordinates.

Finally before leaving us, he told us “LebSolution, from what I saw in this 2 days training, I would urge you to START TO THINK BIG. The world will come to you”. It was a honor for us and also a very strong motivation to even deliver a better programs. Thanks to that VP for the positive energies he had given. For sure we will prepare ourselves to come back to you, insya Allah, and yes we will “START TO THINK BIG”.

The four of us spent sometimes to enjoy Singapore, in the afternoon after the sessions and in the last day served specifically for leisure purpose. One of us, who made his first overseas visit, told us “I wonder why I don’t see many people above grounds where a lot of office buildings stand firmly. Now, I know where the people are… they are under the ground, in the MRT/Subway infrastructures … Now, we’re acting like ants or mouse” he he he. We laughed after hearing that, while praying that the same system will be available in Jakarta… to escape from the worst “normal” traffic jam we’ve experienced.

Whether we realize it or not… for us who spend about 4-6 hours in total each day, just to travel to and from workplaces… we actually have decreased our life quality by about 25%. Imagine the loss. Average age is 65 years, 25% of it is about 16 years. It means we have lost 16 years of our life, and this lost years happens in the most productive time in our age, and even in the most productive hours on each day… What a BIG LOSS. Maybe the government need to apply HAZOP principle resolving “traffic operability problem” he he he.

Back to HAZOP in the process industry … HAZOP Study and its follow-up, is not only to meet requirement, but also part of our responsibility. This LebSolution jargon shows the real intent of HAZOP : “Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst; HBPW”. Have you prepared for the worst in your plant?

And, finally, I would like to inform all of the friends here, motivated by the above successful HAZOP training in Singapore, and pushed by many request from some companies in Indonesia, LebSolution is arranging to make a 5 days “HAZOP & HAZOP Leadership” training program in Indonesia, tentatively scheduled for 6-10 October 2014. Separate announcement will come in the near future.

Thanks to all of you, and enjoy your long week-ends …











Best Regards,
Lukmanul Hakim

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