LebSolution is a technical and management consulting firm where “high level expertise” is the product that we’re selling. Our aim is to be “the expert company” and not the “expert broker company”. Therefore, aggressive development of “employee competency” in relevant disciplines is mandatory to ensure high quality service delivery and also to ensure a sustainable business and its growth.
Based on the above principle, LebSolution is committed to aggressive development of employee competency. Management of LebSolution will do whatever possible to support that competency development program. You all know that those programs may not be “cheap”. They are quite expensive though LebSolution management will do its best to accommodate as possible. We believe that it will be worth investment to be done.
I believe all of you have heard a jargon of “Sharpen The Saw”, which is one of the habits described by Franklyn Covey in his famous book titled “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”.
“Sharpen The Saw” is the last habits described in his book, which in principle tells that an effective people will “make” the make times and efforts to “recharge his/her capability, power, strength, etc. in order to keep a sustainable success of his/her life.
LebSolution is for sure taking the learning out of that principle also. The success stories accumulated in the 5 years operation, should be made “Sustainable” for longest time as possible. We will for sure do the “Sharpening The Saw”. But we realized, that before being able to “Sharpen The Saw”, first thing to do is ensuring that we have the saw.
We must “Create The Saw” first before sharpening it.
Having that in mind, from 9 to 13 May 2016 in Jakarta, LebSolution have sent 3 of its young process safety engineers taking the seats in EC-50 Training to acquire Level-1 competency of ISA-84 Standard (equivalent to IEC-61508/61511) about Safety Instrumented System. The training is organized by PT Sigma Kreasi Instrument (Skins: www.skins.co.id), and delivered by world well-known expert in Safety Instrument System, Dr. Raymond Wright (https://www.linkedin.com/in/drraywright) from FSE Global (www.fseglobal.com).
Following accomplishment of the above training, the LebSolution 3 young process safety engineers directly took the certification examination conducted by International Society of Automation (ISA), on 30 June 2016. All of them passed the examination and successfully obtained the title of “Certified Safety Instrumented System Fundamental Specialist” or in short called “SFS”.
Now, we have 3 additional “saws” to help you in process safety related projects. Now, “The Saws have been created” to shape the future of LebSolution so we can keep telling our success stories.
“Sharpen The Saw” is important to be effective in achieving success.
But we must “Create The Saw” first before sharpening it.
Lukmanul Hakim
Company Website : www.lebsolution.com
Company Linked-In : http://www.linkedin.com/company/lebsolution-indonesia