Created on June 1, 2019

Today 3-Sep-2019, 05.00am, just arrived at Gambir Train Station, Jakarta, coming back from Surabaya for a Clarification and Negotiation Meeting of a potential “PSM Development and Implementation Project” in one of Indonesian State Owned Company (BUMN) whose head-quarter is in Surabaya.

As usual, I purposely took a Bajaj – a type of motor driven trishaw – to move from Gambir Station to Tanah Abang Station. The intent is to help them getting their income as this is one of the rare place where they are still operating. On the way to Tanah Abang station, the Bajaj Driver gave us an important lesson, ” True Commitment”.

We came across several junctions in which we always got the “Red Light”. Since it was very early morning and was still dark in the middle of Jakarta, the road condition was still empty, no Traffic Policeman yet, while no Traffic Light CCTV yet installed in this location.

In such condition, many drivers (including myself sometime he he he) usually will just go passing the Red Traffic Light, based on the “assumption” that no one will cross the junction at that time – which is not always true, no policeman to catch and fine them, etc. Typical causes of many traffic accidents we have heard.

But the Bajaj Driver kept Stopping at the junction when the Red light is ON. He decided to “Comply” to to the rules/regulation even though nobody sees.

Similarly, in Major Hazard industries, They (or maybe We) just easily deviate from agreed procedure, or violate the rules/regulation with so many argumentation to justify the non-compliances.

In many of the cases, the argumentations are just made by “non-verified assumption”, which finally led to a disaster. The 2010 BP Gulf of Mexico Macondo Well Blowout and Explosion, the 2012 Chevron Richmond Refinery Explosion, are some sample of such conditions.

Many of process safety incidents are avoidable if all of us maintain the behavior like the one demonstrated by the above Bajaj Driver. “Compliance led by a True Commitment to Safety”.

Thanks to Mr. Bajaj Driver for the inspiration and lesson learn. As an appreciation you deserve an extra fee. Hope you like it.

Btw… please don’t ask why the photograph is not well focused. Once you got onboard into Bajaj when the motor is ON, then you will get bonus of “Whole Body Massage Service” by its vibration. Another reason why I took this Bajaj… ha ha ha.

You will still feel the vibration 15 minutes after you get out from the Bajaj… ha ha ha.

See you in the next Note of Today.

Thanks and best regards,

Lukmanul Hakim

#processsafetymanagement; #processsafety; #riskmanagement; #hazop; #hazid; #pha; #riskassessment; #PSM; #projectsafetyreview; #prestartupsafetyreview; #lebsolution

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